Child’s Size Tote Bag Giveaway Winner

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and commented for a chance to win the giveaway.  I really enjoyed reading everyone’s experience with their first sewing project.  Some of you were really courageous and tackled some difficult projects.

Enough of that because I’m sure you just want to know who won…

Congrats to Amanda who said:

“The first one that I remember making as an adult were christmas stockings out of velvet and satin. They were a disaster. haha”

Thanks so much to Sew, Mama, Sew for hosting May Giveaway Day.  It was fun to experience so many comments and know that people are visiting my blog.  I hope to continue to get to know everyone a little better through your comments.

Also, if you want to follow me on Facebook or twitter there are links at the top right corner of the blog (under the search box).

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