Measuring Gauge

Measuring Gauge

Do you have this little tool?  Have you ever seen one?  When I took my learn to sew class our instructor gave each of us this tool.  At first I thought, what will I ever use this thing for?  Well, I use it ALL THE TIME.

I have used it to find out how far it is from my needle to the edge of the foot I am using.  I have used it to measure to make sure I am using the seam allowance that I really wanted to use.  I move my needle a lot so I tend to forget which mark is the 1/4 inch mark.

I just made something that I had to start sewing from the end of the fabric by 1/2 an inch.  Well, I of course didn’t remember to put a pin in that specific place so instead of getting up and doing that, I just used this tool.

It has really come in handy and I use it WAY more than I thought I ever would.  Is it a must, no, but it sure does help me out!

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4 Responses

  1. I had one of these things, and used it all the time, and now it’s missing! You don’t know how many times I have looked for it. Once the dust settles around here from nesting and whenever the new baby arrives, I will do a deep cleaning of my fabric area and find this guy. I sure do miss him!

  2. I love those! My teacher in costume construction called it the most useful tool you’ll every buy. I last used it for measuring how wide I should cut a strip of fabric for some bias tape I was making.

    I love finding little time-saving doo-dahs like that. Usually it’s sewing machine feet. I also recently found this thing for making bias tape that folds the strip of cloth for you. Works like a dream.

    Keep up the good blogging!


  3. Oh yes!! I have a 14 in 1 measuring gauge and it just makes my sewing life so much easier. These beauties are so cheap I can’t imagine why anyone would NOT want to use them. Each to their own though, but definitely a gauge for me!

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