Here is the second strap tutorial that I wanted to show you. This one is the easiest to do if you want to use two different fabric designs. I like this method but the strap isn’t as substantial as the version with one piece of fabric.
To start out, cut out your strap pieces from each type of fabric that you want to use, then cut out two pieces of interfacing the same size.
You most likely want your strap at least an inch wide so cut the fabric an inch plus your seam allowance times two by the length of your strap. So lets say you are using a 1/4” seam allowance and want an inch strap. You would cut your width to be 1 1/2 inches by the length that you need the strap to be.
My strap is actually wider than an inch and with this method I recommend making it wider since it will be easier to turn right side out.
Iron on your interfacing to the wrong side of each piece of fabric.
Next, lay your pieces together with right sides together.
Sew along one edge with your chosen seam allowance.
Then sew along the other edge with the same seam allowance. Be sure to leave both ends open.
Now you can turn your strap inside out. This can take awhile and become frustrating but just take your time. I have found that putting my finger in the open end and sort of gliding the fabric through works the best. There are also turning tools but I have no experience with them.
Here is what it will look like after being turned. Straighten it out the best you can with the seams on each side. You have to sort of roll the seam in order to get it out of the center of the strap.
Iron flat.
This picture shows how each design is on it’s own side of the strap.
Next, top stich along both sides close to the edge.
Your strap is now complete. You can view the tutorial on how to make a strap using one design of fabric here.
3 Responses
I learned a great trick for turning a tube right side out from Sew Mama Sew. I was gonna type it out, but it’s better just to follow this link –>
I love your fabric choices!